
The State of Arizona and the Massage Board issue a license to individuals active in the massage industry for a period of two years, renewable with re-registration.  One condition for the issuance of an Arizona license is U.S. citizenship, or for individuals visiting the United States legally during that same licensing period. An Arizona state massage license requires current proof of the duration of legal visitor status with official documentation from the U.S. Government.

The Arizona Massage Board remains open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
To contact staff email: [email protected]

The staff responds to you by email.


Pursuant to section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes, an agency shall limit all occupational regulations to regulations that are demonstrated to be necessary to specifically fulfill a public health, safety or welfare concern. Pursuant to sections 41-1093.02 and 41-1093.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, you have the right to petition this agency to repeal or modify the occupational regulation or bring an action in a court of general jurisdiction to challenge the occupational regulation and to ensure compliance with section 41-1093.01, Arizona Revised Statutes.

Qualifications for an Arizona massage therapy license:

An applicant may qualify for an Arizona massage therapy license by one of the following processes:

  1. Regular license (A.R.S. § 32-4222 and A.A.C. R4-15-201)
    • The applicant is seeking licensure based on having graduated from a massage school with a minimum of 700 hours. If graduated from a school outside of Arizona, the applicant has passed the national licensing exam from either the FSMTB or the NCBTMB.
  2. 2. License by reciprocity based on out-of-state license (A.R.S. §§ 32-4222(link is external) & 32-4223(link is external) and A.A.C. R4-15-203(link is external))
    • The applicant is seeking licensure based on having been licensed in another state or United States territory for at least two of the last five years immediately preceding the application.
  3. 3. License by reciprocity based on NCBTMB certification (A.R.S. §§ 32-4222(link is external) & 32-4223(link is external) and A.A.C. R4-15-203(link is external))
    • The applicant is seeking licensure based on holding a current certification from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and has graduated from a massage school with a minimum of 500 hours.
  4. 4. License by universal acceptance (A.R.S. § 32-4302(link is external))
    • The applicant is seeking licensure based on holding a license in another state or United States territory for one year and is active at the time of application, and the applicant has established residency in the State of Arizona. 

All application materials become the permanent property of the Board and will not be returned.

  • Completed and signed application
  • Payment is a total fee of $217.00, ($195.00 application fee + $22.00 background check fee).  
  • A full set of fingerprints on a standard FD-258 fingerprint card for the purpose of obtaining a federal and state criminal records check. Available at most local police stations, UPS stores, or by Googling fingerprint services near you and may be submitted, to the Board, no more than 8 weeks prior to the submission of your license application
  • One passport quality photograph of the applicant’s head and shoulders no larger than 2 1/2 by 3 inches taken no more than 60 days before the date of the application
    • Photo Basics
    • Submit a color photo, taken in last 60 days
    • Use a clear image of the face
    • Do not use filters commonly used on social media
    • Use a plain white or off-white background
  • A legible copy (front and back) of a document from the Evidence of U.S. Citizenship, U.S. National Status, or Alien Status list
  • If applicable, written documentation of the applicant’s passing of the Ability-to-Benefit examination. This only applies if the applicant did not graduate from high school or receive a high school equivalency diploma
  • If applicable, documentation related to any Professional Conduct question of the application in which the answer is “Yes”

The following documents are direct source only documents. “Direct source only” means that the documents must be submitted to the Arizona State Board of Massage Therapy directly from the issuing agency/entity and cannot be submitted by the applicant.

  • Academic transcripts from each Board-recognized school attended
  • Written verification of a passing score on the NCBTMB(BCETMB) or FSMTB(MBLEx) examination
  • Completed license verification(s) if from each jurisdiction the applicant has ever held or currently holds a massage therapy or bodywork license
  • Verification on Non-AZ License - Online Electronic Submission permanently disabled.
  • Score(s) earned on either the TOEFL or TOEIC examination by applicants for whom English is not their native language.



Renewal Payment



ASE NOTE: All fees are non-refundable, pursuant to A.A.C. R4-15-102.

Additionally, pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-1080.01, if the applicant is applying for an Arizona massage therapy license for the first time and the applicant’s  family income does not exceed 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, the applicant may qualify for a one-time waiver of the Board’s application fee of $195.00.


An applicant may provide one of the following as proof of having established an Arizona residence:  

  • A valid Arizona driver’s license
  • A current Arizona motor vehicle registration
  • Proof of filing Arizona income taxes in the most recent tax year
  • Arizona voter registration
  • Documentation of a mortgage for a primary Arizona residence
  • A dated residential rental contract with proof of payment
  • Proof of major banking services in Arizona
  • Proof of establishment of Arizona utilities
  • Proof of enrollment of children in Arizona schools
  • Documentation demonstrating a change in permanent address on all pertinent records
  • Military Form 2058

Evidence of U.S. Citizenship, U.S. National Status or Alien Status:

If the document you submit does not contain a photograph, you must also provide a government issued document that contains your photograph. You must submit supporting legal documentation (i.e. marriage certificate) if the name on your evidence is not the same as your current legal name.

An applicant may provide one of the following as evidence of authorized presence in the United States:

  • An Arizona driver license issued after 1996 or an Arizona nonoperating identification license.
  • A driver license issued by a state that verifies lawful presence in the United States.
  • A birth certificate or delayed birth certificate issued in any state, territory or possession of the United States.
  • A United States certificate of birth abroad.
  • A United States passport.
  • A foreign passport with a United States visa.
  • An I-94 form with a photograph.
  • A United States citizenship and immigration services employment authorization document or refugee travel document.
  • A United States certificate of naturalization.
  • A United States certificate of citizenship.
  • A tribal certificate of Indian blood.
  • A tribal or bureau of Indian affairs affidavit of birth.
  • Any other license that is issued by the federal government, any other state government, an agency of this state or a political subdivision of this state that requires proof of citizenship or lawful alien status before issuing the license.

The Arizona State Board of Massage Therapy Initial License Application is available below. Please type your answers into the Adobe Sign form, which will be emailed directly to Board staff at the completion of your application, including your e-signature. You may attach documents where applicable. Other documents like the fingerprint card, state license verifications, transcripts, etc. will still need to be submitted by the direct source. Payment may be made by Visa or Mastercard or mailed to the Board's office in the form of a cashier's check or money order.   

Please use the "Initial Application" link to complete, pay and submit your application to become a Licensed Massage Therapist in Arizona.

Please note: After you submit your initial application, we will contact you, in writing, if your application is found to be incomplete. In addition, your fingerprints will be sent to the Department of Public Safety for a background check, which takes between 8 to 10 weeks.  

The "Verification of a Non-Arizona License" form below should be used to obtain verification(s) of licensure from other jurisdictions in which you hold, or have held, a massage therapy license.